Speech therapy support

We offer speech therapy assistance to our students. We place emphasis on the proper development of the child’s speech and on shaping cognitive and motor skills.

A speech therapist/special educator cooperating with our school, Dr. Ewelina Woźnicka, conducts classes with children aimed at correcting bad habits and practicing correct pronunciation.

In our work with children we combine entertainment with learning, supported by appropriate speech therapy aids.

Speech therapy workshops starting in September 2021!

Starting in September our school will offer speech therapy workshops for parents of children attending preschool and kindergarten.

The main goal of the workshop is to provide parents with the most important issues in the field of speech therapy prevention. During the meeting the following issues will be discussed: the development of the child’s speech – how it proceeds and what it depends on, causes of speech defects, when to see a speech therapist, speech therapy at home.

Details will be published soon