Szkoła Przedmiotów Ojczystych im. Mikołaja Reja
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Street Party

15 June 2023

Enrolment for school year 2024/25

13 June 2022

School fees for the school year 2023/24

9 June 2022

Funding from the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland

We would like to inform you that our school has received funding from the Chancellery of the Prime Minister within the framework of the competition Polonia and Poles Abroad 2022.

Name of the public task: “School (more) Polish. Supporting the current activities of Polish schools in London in 2022-2023”.

Grant amount: PLN 45,300.00 in 2022.

PLN 45,300.00 in 2023.

Total value of public task: PLN 1,074,335.10

The public task is to support Polish schools by subsidising the costs of renting rooms, teachers’ salaries, insurance and other operating costs.

We inform you that our school has received funding through the Eurekot Foundation from the Maximilian Kolbe Polish Language Development Institute from the funds of the Minister of National Education as part of the competition “Support for teaching Polish abroad through co-financing the purchase of textbooks, office equipment, computer equipment, and software.”

Name of the public task: Support for teaching Polish abroad – United Kingdom part 2

Grant amount in 2024 – 110,905 PLN

Total value of the public task: 324,723.00 PLN

Over 70 years of enterprise

For over 70 years we have been building a strong community, passing on Polish culture and love for Polish traditions to the next generations.

Rich educational offer and extra-curricular support

We conduct classes in history, geography, religion and singing. We offer speech and language therapy support.
We make sure that all our teachers are constantly improving their professional skills.

Our students achieve high academic results

Every year our students take GCSE and A-levels exams.
In the school year 2022/23, students who decided to take the exams by the teacher’s observation grade, obtained A** , A* and A grades.

Our Partners

Polska Macierz Szkolna Stowarzyszenie Wspólnota Polska ATHE Radio Bobola Church